Why Choose Western?
Employee Perks

A comprehensive boating and windsurfing center on Lake Whatcom. Reserve a meeting space, participate in the EDGE challenge course or take a boat out for the day.

Staff and Faculty Wellness
Resources for nutrition, fitness and more both on and off campus designed to assist employees in establishing a healthy work/life balance.

As an employee of Western you may qualifying for the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. Please visit Western's Public Service Loan Forgiveness page for more information.

Wade King Recreation Center
Take advantage of a state-of-the-art fitness facility with unparalleled accessibility and competitive rates. Swimming, Fitness Classes, a Climbing Wall and plenty of equipment, the Rec Center is a premium facility that couldn’t be any closer to your workspace. Special rates available for staff.

Wilson Libraries
Staff and faculty can borrow any materials from the Wilson Library, and you can have resources from other libraries sent to Wilson for you to pick up.

Employee Benefits
Learn more about benefits offered by Western and the state of Washington that help employees attain work/life balance.

Outdoor Center
Learn from experienced staff how to climb the highest mountains and travel to the remotest locations in the Northwest. Rent gear and get resources on how to learn or participate in numerous outdoor activities.

Western Gallery
See some of the most diverse and respected artists in the world without leaving campus at the Western Art Gallery. There are permanent and traveling collections to satisfy all tastes.

Staff Tuition Exemption
After working at least 6 months Staff and faculty can take advantage of tuition waivers and earn up to 8 credits per quarter (or audit courses) at a reduced rate.

Receive discounts for admission to a variety of athletic, performing arts, and educational events. Receive a 10% discount at the Bookstore, and an additional 10% on logo items every Western Wednesday for those wearing Western gear.

Learning for Staff and Faculty
Western provides many opportunities for professional development and learning. Participate in workshops and trainings, community learning events, and lecture series.