Performance Evaluations

Performance Evaluations are due to HR by June 30, 2024 for the following time period: July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024. Classified staff evaluations are completed via esign form. Professional staff evaluations are completed via the EPAS system, you must be connected to the Western network to access. (the evaluation must be created by HR prior to the supervisor starting the evaluation process in EPAS).  Reminder: Submitting an evaluation via the EPAS system does NOT flow through to HR for banner entry. Please also send us a completed signed copy of the evaluation via email scan OR campus mail the original to Please see information below for further details/instructions.  Feel free to contact HR with any questions! 

Performance evaluations provide regular opportunities to recognize contributions and accomplishments, clarify expectation, set goals, discuss areas of concern, and identify areas for professional growth. Evaluation and feedback should be a continuous and ongoing process that culminates in the formal performance review.

Classified Staff

Per the bargaining unit contracts, classified employees will receive at least one formal evaluation during their probation or trial service period and annually thereafter. Refer to the supervisor checklist below to ensure that all steps are taken during the evaluation process:

Before the evaluation:

  • Review the Performance Evaluation Manual for Supervisors
  • Gather and review relevant performance material Materials should include the job description and any prior employee performance objectives.
  • Review all required trainings for your employee, identify and schedule any trainings that have not been completed
  • Meet with the employee prior to their formal evaluation to discuss the process and expectations
    • Discuss the upcoming performance evaluation meeting with your employee. Set a due date if they are completing a self-evaluation.
    • Provide the employee with a copy of their current job description.
  • Draft the evaluation form to bring to the evaluation meeting

During the evaluation:

  • Review accomplishments, expectations and areas of growth.
  • Discuss/develop goals for the upcoming year and reflect on the goals that were set the previous evaluation period.
  • Take notes during discussion if any revisions need to be made to the formal evaluation.

After the evaluation:

  • Confirm that the final evaluation has been signed and dated by the employee and supervisor
  • Send the signed original evaluation to the Human Resources office at MS 9054 or  Please make sure to include the employee and supervisors W#'s

HR provides training to assist you in making this process meaningful. Take the Performance Evaluation training module in "Supervisor Quick Start Training in Canvas" it  covers the evaluation process as well as how to navigate crucial conversations, provide feedback and improving performance through coaching.

New Supervisors: If you need further assistance with the performance evaluation process, please email to setup a one-on-one training session.


Professional Staff

Western has established an electronic online system for conducting employee performance evaluations for Professional Staff: the Employee Performance Appraisal System (EPAS). This system encourages an interactive process between the supervisor and employee and allows the opportunity to gain feedback from others in order to gain a broad perspective on accomplishments, progress and areas for growth.


As outlined in the Professional Staff Handbook, performance evaluations should be completed annually using the EPAS online evaluation tool.  Please email us at with any issues or questions!

Before the evaluation:

  • Review the Performance Evaluation Manual for Supervisors.
  • Gather and review relevant performance material. Materials should include the job description and any prior employee performance objectives.
  • Review all required trainings for your employee, identify and schedule any trainings that have not been completed
  • Meet with the employee prior to their formal evaluation to discuss the process and expectations.
    • Discuss the upcoming performance evaluation meeting and set a due date for their self-evaluation.
    • Determine any additional criteria and participants that will be a part of the employee’s evaluation.
    • Provide the employee with a copy of their current job description.

Email to request an evaluation be created for your employee(s)Please include supervisor and employee name(s) and W#(s) and HR will create the evaluation.

  • Create the online evaluation form for your employee.
    • After HR receives your email request, you will receive a notice with instructions on how to access the EPAS system and start the evaluation process.
  • Monitor the completion of the evaluation participants
    • You will not be able to complete the final evaluation until the employee has completed their self-evaluations and all peer/faculty/staff evaluations have been completed.
  • Complete the evaluation online and prepare a draft version to bring to the evaluation meeting

During the evaluation:

  • Review accomplishments, expectations and areas of growth.
  • Discuss/develop goals for the upcoming year and reflect on the goals that were set the previous evaluation period.
  • Take notes during discussion if any revisions need to be made to the formal evaluation.

After the evaluation:

  • Submit the completed evaluation via EPAS.
  • Print the final evaluation report and comment summary
  • Confirm that the final evaluation has been signed and dated by the employee and supervisor
  • Send the signed original evaluation to the Human Resources office at MS 9054 or

HR provides training to assist you in making this process meaningful.  Take the Performance Evaluation training module in "Supervisor Quick Start Training in Canvas" it covers the evaluation process as well as how to navigate crucial conversations, provide feedback and improving performance through coaching.

New supervisors: if you would like a one-on-one live training session on the performance evaluation process, please email us at