Orientation Program
New Employee Orientation (Staff)

New Employee Orientation (NEO) is a required orientation for all permanent staff.
New Employee Quick Start: Benefits, Payroll & More
This session is offered weekly on Tuesdays from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM via Zoom.
New Employee Orientation: University Onboarding
This session is held once per month from 9:00am - 2:15pm via Zoom. This is an opportunity for new employees to connect with the culture, history, and mission of Western. All new permanent employees will attend an orientation, but temporary employees and faculty are also welcome and encouraged to attend if they are able. As a newly hired employee, you will receive an invitation to the session that works with your start date.
Please contact HR Onboarding with any questions regarding New Employee Orientations.
New Faculty Orientation

New Faculty are not required to attend the staff NEO, but are welcome to do so! New Faculty Orientation is held each September. Please visit the Faculty Info. Hub for more details.
New Student Employee Orientation

WAWU - Educational Student Employees (ESE) are required to attend one session of New Student Employee Orientation. This session may be department hosted or through HR. At this time Operational Student Employees (OSE) are not required to attend, but are encouraged to join a session for basic information.