Retirement Contacts
Below is a collection of contact information for Western employees looking to learn more about retirement planning and for those approaching retirement age. Contact are categorized as relating to Retirement Income, Insurance, and the university.
Retirement Income
Department of Retirement Systems (DRS)
For information on your DRS retirement plans such as PERS 2, PERS 3, TRS 2, TRS 3, and LEOFF; visit the Washington State DRS website. There you can read plan handbooks, view your service credit years, download tax forms, and make changes to direct deposit.
Fidelity Investments
For information on Western Washington University Retirement Plan (WWURP), visit Fidelity Investments: WWU. There you can view your plan information, schedule an individual planning appointment, and watch recorded workshops on retirement and investing. Fidelity can also be reached by calling 800-343-0860.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Social Security Administration is the federal agency responsible for administering Social Security benefits and managing Medicare eligibility and enrollment. They can also be reached at 800-772-1213.
Employees enrolled in WWU-RP prior to 06/30/2011 may have investments managed by TIAA. TIAA can be reached at 800-824-2252, and their representatives are also available for one-on-one meetings.
Health Care Authority (HCA)
Visit the WA State Health Care Authority PEBB Retiree Benefits page to view the eligibility requirements and enrollment process for Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB) retiree benefits such as medical insurance, dental insurance, and life insurance. The HCA can also be reached at 800-200-1004.
Visit Medicare's website for information about Medicare benefits and open enrollment, or call them at 800-633-4227.
MetLife is the life insurance provider for the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB). Visit MetLife: WA State Health Care Authority PEBB to continue basic and supplemental life insurance after retiring through the group portability or group conversion options. When logging in, use "PEBB- State of Washington" as your employer. MetLife can also be contacted at 800-548-7139.
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA)
Under the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner, SHIBA provides free, unbiased, and confidential help with Medicare for people of all ages. SHIBA can be reached at 800-562-6900.
VibrantUSA is an independent insurance agency offering advice about Medicare and supplemental health care plans that work with Medicare. Contact their local Bellingham office at 360-733-5111.
Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA)
The VEBA Trust manages health reimbursement accounts (HRA) for public employees of Washington State. Western retirees with a sick leave balance at the time of retirement are automatically enrolled in this program. Contact VEBA by email ( or phone (888-828-4953).
Washington Health Plan Finder
WA Health Plan Finder is a healthcare search tool for plans available on the Healthcare Marketplace. They can be reached at 855-923-4633.
WWU Contacts
WWU Benefits Department
Contact for assistance with your retirement process.
WWU Retirement Association (WWURA)
Join WWURA to stay involved with the Western community.
WWU Payroll Department
Contact for questions about your final paycheck, leave cash out, and VEBA enrollment.