Professional Staff Organization


Professional Staff Handbook

Compensation Program

Compensation Policies (Pending Changes)

Civil Service and Federal FLSA Exemptions

Western’s Professional Staff positions are exempt from the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 41.06.070. Some Professional Staff positions are exempt from the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) overtime provisions (“overtime exempt”), making the positions ineligible for overtime pay. As described in the Professional Staff Compensation Program Standards, all Western positions are reviewed for exemption status at the time of recruitment. If you are a Professional Staff employee, or you supervise a Professional Staff employee, and you have questions regarding the exemption status of a Professional Staff position, please contact your HR Consultant.

Please note: Pending amendments to the FLSA and Washington State overtime rules will result in a stricter standard for overtime exemptions. Western HR will work with impacted departments as the new standards are implemented by the US Department of Labor and the State as of 2020.

The exemptions for Professional Staff positions can be found here: