Benefit Charges

Benefit Charges for 2024

Social Security F910 6.2% x gross salary to maximum salary of $168,600 6.2% x gross salary to maximum salary of $168,600
Medicare F915 1.45% x gross salary (no limit) 1.45% x gross salary (no limit)
Retirement (employee may only be active in one plan)
LEOFF (Law Enforcement Officers Retirement System) F920 Plan II: 8.53% x gross salary (effective July 1, 2023) Plan II: 8.73% x gross salary (effective July 1, 2023)
PERS (Public Employees Retirement System) F920

Plan I: 6.0% x gross salary

Plan II: 6.36% x gross salary

Plan III: Employee Option

Plans I, II, III: 9.53% x gross salary 
TRS (WA State Teacher’s Retirement System) F920

Plan I: 6.0% x gross salary

Plan II: 8.06% x gross salary 

Plan III: Employee Option

Plans I, II, III: 9.70% x gross salary
WWURP (University Retirement System) F920

Age: Less than 35 = 5.0%

35 and over = 7.5%

50 and over = 10.0%

Matched by University; equal to employee contribution
F940 Based on Plan Choice $1,145.00/month per eligible employee
Family/Medical Leave Insurance F935 0.5286% x gross salary 0.2114% x gross salary
Employer HERP State F972 No charge to employee 0.21% x gross salary
Industrial Insurance F930 No charge to employee 0.1410 x hrs to a maximum of $22.56/month (160 hours)
Medical Aid F930 0.11845 x hrs to a maximum of $18.96/month (160 hours) 0.11845 x hrs to a maximum of $18.96/month (160 hours)
Unemployment F960 No charge to employee 0.11% x gross salary

General Rules

Student employees: employer is not charged for social security, retirement, health insurance, or unemployment. Please refer to the Student Employment Center website for more information regarding student employment eligibility.

Temporary employees: employer is not charged for retirement or health insurance unless the employee becomes eligible for the benefit. Contact Kathy Thompson at (360) 650-7314 for more information.