Leaving Western: FAQ

Whether leaving Western through retirement, layoff or termination we hope the following information will be helpful in your transition.

If you are leaving for medical reasons, please contact FMLA/Disability Services at 360-650-3771.

Leaving Western: Frequently Asked Questions

Employees who are resigning from Western should provide reasonable notice (no less than two weeks) and indicate their resignation in writing (either via email or letter indicating their last work date) to their immediate supervisor.  

Please complete the online exit survey before you leave. You can access it now at this link: WWU Employee Exit Survey.  If you prefer to chat with an HR Partner, please contact HR to setup an exit interview. 

Your exit interview is filed confidentially in Human Resources. Collective comments, suggestions and concerns (not specific to a person) that could be helpful in correcting working conditions may be shared with departments.  If there are any legal, policy or procedure issues that are identified through this process, the information will be shared with the appropriate individuals.

Your final paycheck will be issued on the next regularly scheduled pay date following your separation date.  It will be distributed as usual (i.e. direct deposit, home address) unless other arrangements are made.

If you have a vacation balance, and have 6 months of continuous service the balance of your vacation will be paid on your final paycheck (as long as you have completed your final timesheet).  Additionally, for Professional Staff, if you are leaving involuntarily or retiring, your vacation balance will be paid out even if there has not been 6 months of continuous service.

If you are retiring from your position, your sick leave will be paid out at 25% into a VEBA account for future medical expenses.

If you are separating from your position, your sick time will be forfeited.

Your medical/dental benefits end on the last day of the month in which your separation date occurs.  Once you separate, you will receive information regarding COBRA directly from the Health Care Authority – Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB).  If you have questions about COBRA, please visit the PEBB website at http://www.pebb.hca.wa.gov.

Arrangements should be made with the appropriate departments or your supervisor to return all University property, such as keys, laptop/PC, monitors, keyboards, purchasing cards, books, uniforms, cell phones, etc.)

For how to handle technology, see ATUS's leaving Western checklist.

Upon separation, the tuition fee waiver benefit will cease at the end of the current term.

Please contact our Employment Administrator, Tara Terry  at 360-650-3565.  

If you are no longer an employee, you will become a visitor and no longer eligible for a long-term parking permit.  You will be asked to return the permit for a refund.  The refund will be prorated from the day Parking Services receives the physical permit.

If you are currently paying your membership dues via payroll deduction, your membership would stop when you separate from Western.  If you paid for your membership in one lump sum, you will be able to continue using your membership until that term expires.  There are no refunds on paid memberships; however, your membership will be honored until complete.

Your child(ren) can continue for one quarter, if there is space available and no one on the waiting list.  There may be opportunities to stay longer, as long as it is not taking a spot from a current student or employee.

Former employees will always have access to their employee information on Web4U, including W-2s.  

Once in Web4U click on “Login for Alumni/Former Employees”. 

If your password has expired, call the ATUS Help Desk at 360-650-3333 to have your PIN reset.