Student Jobs

New Student Employee Orientations

HR Onboarding is hosting orientation sessions for new student employees! ESE students are required to attend one of the sessions. This is paid time that should be entered on your timesheet. So please make sure your I-9 form is completed prior to your start date so your timesheet is available to you.  Sessions are open to all new student employees:

9/25  3:00pm – 4:15pm
Session 1

9/26  9:00am – 10:15am
Session 2

10/3 1:30pm – 2:45pm
Session 3

11/7 1:15pm  - 2:30pm
Session 4

12/11 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Session 5

an ariel view of campus

WWU has a wide range of on-campus employment opportunities for current students. Working part-time allows students to learn valuable skills, find new interests, and connect with others on campus; all while building their resumes. Employers on campus also tend to be more flexible, letting students choose a work schedule that fits their class schedule. 

Find A Job

There are two basic types of student employment: work study and non-work study. 

Work Study

Federal work study is a financial aid program that provides part-time jobs to eligible students.

Non-Work Study

These positions are open to all students and are not related to financial aid awards.

Job Types

There are work study and non-work study positions available at WWU in the following three categories. 

Associated Students Jobs

WWU's Associated Students is an organization designed and run by students and acts as the student voice in university administration. AS governance consists of a student board of directors, legislative liaison, business office, personnel office, communications office, and general services. 

Educational Student Jobs

Educational Student Employees work as research and teaching assistants, laboratory assistants, library assistants, tutors, and others. ESEs are represented by Western Academic Workers United (WAWU). WAWU is a a recognized union at WWU.

Operational Student Jobs

These positions are open to all WWU students and support the operations aspects of the university. Available positions include program support staff, media assistants, recreation assistants, laborers, clerks, and more. 


Info for New Student Employees

Once you have accepted a position there are a few things you will need to do before you can start working. 

Getting Paid

Click the link below for instructions for submitting timesheets, payment methods, and a list of pay periods and pay dates. 

Supervisor Resources

Click the links below for supervisor resources.